The number of patients waiting for organ and tissue transplants continues to rise across Türkiye, with 33,589 individuals currently in need as of January 2025. Among them, kidney transplants are the most urgent, with 25,245 patients waiting for life-saving procedures.
Dr. Mehmet Kazak, the responsible physician of the Organ and Tissue Transplantation Regional Coordination Center at the Samsun Provincial Health Directorate, addressed the importance of organ donation and its impact on patients’ lives.
“Thousands of patients are waiting for organ transplants to regain their health,” said Dr. Kazak. “Organ failure diseases continue to demand attention, and many people are depending on the National Organ Waiting System to receive a transplant and restore their well-being. While the numbers of donations and transplants have steadily increased, they are still not sufficient to meet the growing demand.”
Dr. Kazak stressed the significance of raising public awareness around organ donation. He explained that the decision to donate organs often arises after brain death is detected in intensive care units, and at that point, families are faced with a very difficult decision. “This decision is challenging, but providing accurate information ahead of time can help save more lives in the future,” he added.
In terms of regional success, Samsun has been recognized for its significant contribution to organ donation. In 2024, Samsun surpassed the national average for cadaveric organ donation rates, achieving a 10.27% increase. With the number of organ donors in the region representing 14% of the country’s total, Samsun holds the top position in Türkiye for its cadaveric organ donor rate per capita.
Dr. Kazak expressed pride in the region’s success, particularly acknowledging the contributions of local hospitals. Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) Medical Faculty Hospital ranked third, and Samsun Training and Research Hospital ranked fifth among Türkiye’s hospitals in terms of organ donations.
“Thanks to intense efforts, the Samsun region has ranked first in the country for organ and tissue donations among nine regional coordination centers. We are hopeful and proud of this achievement,” Dr. Kazak said. He extended his gratitude to the Ministry of Health, local health directorates, university officials, hospital administrators and health care professionals who contributed to this success.
In 2024, Samsun also played a vital role in the lives of transplant recipients across Türkiye. Organ donations from 51 donors in the region led to over 100 successful transplants, including kidney, liver, heart, lung, and corneal transplants, providing life-saving hope to patients across the country.
Dr. Kazak called on the public to continue supporting organ donation and emphasized the collective responsibility of health care professionals and the community in saving lives. “I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all our dedicated health care workers, including intensivists, transplant coordinators, and staff at organ donation units, for their hard work and unwavering commitment,” he said. “We also encourage the public to raise awareness and consider the importance of organ donation.”