In the heart of landlocked Ankara, a team of industrial divers manages one of the capital’s most unique challenges: maintaining a massive aquarium while feeding and caring for dangerous marine creatures such as stingrays and sharks.
These divers, employed at the “Deniz Dünyası” (“Seaworld”) aquarium in Keçiören, combine physical endurance with psychological resilience. Their work includes cleaning the aquarium and hand-feeding thousands of aquatic animals, including sand tiger sharks that can reach up to 3 meters (over 9 feet) in length. Their calm demeanor is critical to avoid disturbing the underwater ecosystem.
Cüneyt Sürek, who has worked at the aquarium for 12 years, recounted his journey into the profession. “People are often surprised and ask, ‘How can a diver work in Ankara?’ But there are plenty of divers earning a living here, even in a city far from the sea. It’s beautiful to be so connected to water in a place where people often long for it,” Sürek said.
Initially tasked with technical operations, Sürek transitioned to feeding the fish and maintaining the aquarium’s environment. Despite early apprehension, he has since grown accustomed to the job. “In a way, we are like ‘fish men,’ and the fish are our colleagues. They rely on us. Unfortunately, they are confined here, so we try to make them feel as if they’re in their natural habitat,” he said.
Sürek views the animals, including sharks, as companions rather than threats. He explained the importance of balancing their needs with safety precautions. “When you enter the water, you’re stepping into their habitat. Animals may approach or touch you, and you must remain calm. Stingrays, for instance, have defensive barbs that can inject venom, so it’s crucial to avoid sudden movements and respect their space.”
The divers also focus on preserving the delicate saltwater balance within the aquarium to replicate natural ocean conditions. “Even though it’s artificial, we strive to create an environment that mirrors what they would find in the wild,” Sürek said.
The profession, though rewarding, comes with its challenges. “It’s not just about feeding the animals; it’s about understanding their behavior, maintaining harmony, and ensuring their well-being,” he said.
Industrial divers like Sürek exemplify how passion and dedication can bring a taste of the ocean to places far from the sea, fostering an appreciation for marine life while ensuring their care in artificial habitats.