One person lost their life and 14 others were injured when a shuttle bus fell into a creek bed in Istanbul’s Tuzla. Reports indicate that the driver entered a shoulder to push the stalled vehicle but lost control, causing it to roll into a ditch.
The accident occurred at around 8 a.m. in the Aydınlı neighborhood of Tuzla. Numerous fire, police and medical teams were dispatched to the scene.
One person was revived at hospital. The individuals trapped in the shuttle bus were rescued by the fire department, while some managed to exit the vehicle on their own. Fourteen injured people were taken to hospital after initial treatment at the scene. Despite all attempts, Adem Aksu, who was taken to Tuzla State Hospital, could not be saved. It was also learned that a person whose heart had stopped was revived by medical teams.
Details of the accident emerged meanwhile, indicating that the shuttle bus driver, Gökhan U., entered the shoulder to push the stalled vehicle but lost control, sending the bus rolling into the ditch. The shuttle bus was transporting workers from a company named Numarin in Gebze to a company called Sumarin in Tuzla Deri Yansanayi.
An investigation into the accident is ongoing.