Şeyhmus Erginoğlu, affectionately known as “Uncle Şeyhmus,” has spent nearly three decades planting trees and advocating for a greener environment. His tireless dedication earned him the prestigious “Special Award” from the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay), a recognition he calls a milestone in his lifelong mission.
The 70-year-old environmentalist from the southeastern province of Mardin received the award during the “4th Red Vest International Volunteer Awards” ceremony held on Dec. 8 at the Haliç Congress Center in Istanbul. Kızılay also organized a local ceremony in Mardin to celebrate Erginoğlu’s achievement.
Speaking at the event, Erginoğlu expressed his gratitude and reflected on his journey. “Until 1995, I worked as a truck driver. Then, I sold my vehicle and devoted myself to nature. For nearly 30 years, I’ve been planting trees, and I’ll continue until my last breath. I sincerely thank the Turkish Red Crescent for this honor,” he said.
Abdulbasıt Deniz, the president of Kızılay’s Mardin branch, praised Erginoğlu as a role model. “He sets an example for future generations. We are proud of him and congratulate him on his incredible efforts,” Deniz said.
Şehmus Arı, head of the Artuklu branch of Kızılay, highlighted the significance of the Istanbul ceremony. “The event recognized individuals, civil society organizations and private sector representatives for their contributions to humanity. Erginoğlu’s dedication to planting over 20,000 trees and his environmental advocacy made him a deserving recipient of this award. We hope his work inspires others,” Arı remarked.
For “Uncle Şeyhmus,” the recognition is not just a personal achievement but a reminder of the enduring impact one individual can make on the environment and society.