O American people, first vote responsibly, later act responsibly!
Neither the first nor the second Gulf Wars were in the interest of your country. You didn’t have anything to gain from overthrowing the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The Israeli lobbyists, the Israeli government and your own neoconservatives made you believe that he had weapons of destruction. That is, if he were left in charge of Iraqi oil, he would develop nukes and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Remember, they all turned out to be unfounded. Your own government, fooled by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and then-former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, lied to your face.
That frequent speaker at the Congress, Netanyahu, on Sept. 12, 2002, testified as “a private U.S. citizen”’ at the House Foreign Affairs Committee that “It’s not a question of whether Iraq’s regime should be taken out but when should it be taken out.”
“If you take out Saddam, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region,” Netanyahu said then. Nothing had such reverberations other than all hell breaking loose and Iran and its proxies filling the void. From 2003 to 2023 Israel killed 14,000 Palestinians and about 3,000 IDF members died in the clashes. In other words, Netanyahu and his neocon complicit did not know their hindsides from a hole in the ground, neither then, nor now. So far, you, the American taxpayers, have paid $17.9 billion for the bombs and rockets Israel used in killing at least 43,424 Palestinian children, women and men since Oct 7, 2003. Israeli forces and illegal settlers in the occupied lands killed 716 Palestinians from Sept. 7 to Oct. 7, 2003, the highest number of Palestinian victims in those lands in one month.
You never called the Native Americans who fought against the European settlers “terrorists” in their lands because they were fighting against occupiers; the settlers and the Founding Fathers always held them in high esteem. There have never been more than 12,000 Jews for the last 4,000 years in Palestine. But as soon as Zionism as a political movement started in 1897 and supported a political ideology to create a “national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel,” the number of immigrants increased but never surpassed the number of indigenous people.
The 1922 census of Palestine, the first census carried out by the authorities of the British Mandate of Palestine, reported that the population was 760,000; the division into religious groups was 600,000 Muslims, 80,000 Jews and 80,000 Christians and others. They coexisted peacefully until the underground Zionist groups started carrying out paramilitary campaigns against British rule and Muslim authorities. After 1938, until the British left Palestine in 1948, Zionist groups, the Haganah, Irgun and Lehi, whom the British called the terrorist Jewish militias, killed about 3,000 British, military and civilian men and women and about 20,000 Arabs.
My fellow Americans, the Democratic president you elected in the 1948 elections, Harry S. Truman, partitioned Palestine between the Jews and “other people” without delineating “parts” that those people would have. So, the “terrorist Jewish militia” turned their attention solely to Muslims, and about 15,000 Arabs were killed, and 750,000 people were expelled or fled in what has been engraved in the Palestinian Arab psyche as the Nakba (the catastrophe). It is an ethnic cleansing through violent displacement and dispossession of land, property and belongings, along with the destruction of their society and the suppression of their culture, identity, political rights and national aspirations.
You, my dear fellow Americans, sponsored this crime until today, through your vote in congressional and presidential elections. How could that be possible, you ask? Well, those paramilitary Zionist organizations turned into two entities: The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on this side of the Atlantic, and the Israeli lobby that operates stateside.
“The” lobby, with a capital “The,” has sucked about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance while you cannot get the $175 billion in student loans forgiven. That $310 billion in “assistance” has vanished! The Israel lobby brings down the shutters on annual payments of the Israel debt with a bill signed by congressional representatives and senators, and the president you elect signs it into law. You forgive and forget the money owed to you by Israel, but the bill that would forgive the money you owe to your own government either gets blocked by a judge or falls into a Plan B!
Do you get it? Your vote is extremely vital (literally) this time: the president you’ll elect on Tuesday might accidentally start a nuclear holocaust simply by approving Israel’s genocidal plans to spread its holy war to the entire Middle East. You need a president who could say “Enough is enough!” to Netanyahu and to your own neoconservatives at the Departments of State and Defense.
Remember, when you go to the polling station: Israel is not the 51st state in the union. Zionism and Evangelism are not part of Christianity. As an American Jew or Christian, your future is not tied to Zionist Judaism or Evangelist Christianity. They are ideologies, like Nazism, that keep costing the lives of many innocent people in the Middle East.
Like all ideologies, they submersed Israel disgracefully in a quagmire; they need to do something even more outrageous so that humanity loses sight of the disgustingness of their massacres in Gaza and the West Bank.
You don’t need to be part of the genocide in Palestine and a possible World War III that awaits a spark in the Middle East. All you need is courage my dears.